Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Lafazkan taklik mu

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.. salam kenal. Hari ini topicnya agak deep sedikit. Cerita hari ini bahasa melayu penuh. Selamat membaca, maaf kalau bosan sikit. Adakalanya manusia lupa dan alpa dengan tanggungjawap yg di beri. Ya manusia itu lemah, mudah baginya untuk membuat silap/salah/dosa sesama insan di kenali rapat atau yang tidak di kenali langsung. Ya bukan mudah untuk meminta maaf atas salah yang di buat oleh diri sendiri. Usai meminta seharusnya kedua pihak meminta maaf, walaupun salah itu dari satu pihak. Kerana apabila kita meminta maaf dan pihak lagi satu mengaku salah dan meminta maaf ia dapat mengurangkan keruh keadaan yg sedia ada.

Suami dan isteri, lazimnya topik ini jarang sekali saya nak bukak dan sentuh. Sunggupun usia perkahwinan saya sendiri masih baru lagi pada saya, sebab setiap hari ada sahaja benda baru yang saya belajar tentang pasangan saya. Saya pasti rakan-rakan yang lain pun merasa apa yang saya rasa. Pembaca yang di sayangi sekalian, saat terlafaznya akad dan nikah, taklik akan di lafazkan didepan saksi dan keluarga yang ada.

Sentiasa ingat pada janji lafaz taklik ini buat pasangan yang baru atau sudah pun lama bernikah. Taklik ini sangat penting kerana ia adalah janji si suami buat isterinya. Itu lah tanggungjawapnya yg perlu di galas, selain dari membimbing isteri kearah kebaikan dan didik isteri tentang keAgamaan serta sayangi isteri supaya terikat kasih sayang dan juga rasa hormatnya ada buat suami yang di sayangi.

Ingat, kebahagian rumahtangga itu berbalik dengan cara suami mengemudi kapal layarnya supaya tidak tersasar. Adanya isteri itu di sisi untuk sentiasa mengingatkan asal tugas serta tanggungjawap suami itu saat dia tersasar jalan. Cerita yang saya dapat sewaktu khursus perkahwinan dahulu, banyak pasangan becerai berai kerana ketegakkan tiang nya runtuh, tidak di pupuk, tidak di didik, tidak di jaga dan banyak lagi tidaknya. Pokoknya Agama itu penting., selayaknya buat yang beragama Islam, didik lah isteri dan anak² mu dengan Islam. Mencurahkan kisah dan tauladan dengan cara yang Islamik. Ia di tuntut dalam Agama Islam kita agar berkat dan barakah sesuatu keluarga mengikut bait² keihlasan didikan kasih sayang dari suami itu sendiri.

Lafazkan lah taklik mu agar kamu ingat selalu, bukan senang alam perkahwinan ni. Bukan mudah untuk senanag, bukan senang perkara di mudahkan tetapi berdoalah, meminta lah pada Yang Maha Pencipta kita. Kerana pada DIA sahaja kita mampu harapkan. Takut jika harapkan manusia kita kecewa.

Sekian penulisan saya. Mudah²an ada lagi updatenya. Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca sampai habis. Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A memory in the past

Assalamu'alaikum.. Bismillah~ Hello, hi and welcome friendly reader. I have come today after a year of updating in my last post. There's a lot of stuff going on right now. I am my own slow phase in recovering from my depression., I would love to tell you the story, but not today. Today is the day where I should put my most awesome person pin down forever here and in my heart.

In regards the event that has happen to me. My beloved father pass away. (innalillahwa inna hirojiun) 18/01/2016. This date will be the date I will remember most. everything that happen before and after. Allah Almighty love my abah (father) more. He was in pain, and he suffers many years before he pass away. It sadden me, seems like I was in the spot of the time. People are pointing fingers and telling me things. 4 word "I wasn't born prefect".

I humbly accept their words of punishment to my brain. Telling me what to do, telling me what I did wrong. I don't know why people never did ask me and had a heart to heart talk rather then lashing their anger on me. Instead of lashing bout try the word "heart to heart" like an adult would do?. My father is on his death bed.. struggling to stay and breath so hard. He heard what they said..he heard what I scream on to about. 

I am not a perfect daughter, but all I can do is make something else matter. A small help which my mom and dad couldn't do at that time. I don't tell people to look matters in my own point of view. I just want them to know what they failed to ask me before lashing me off. I just want to be heard, something like a fathers daughter couldn't do is to ask an advice at time he is to sick to be able to get up on his own. What am I suppose to do other then support in silent..I can't even look at him straight without crying..or feeling sad and sorry for him. I am not perfect abah..I hope you heard me when I ask you for forgiveness 4 days before you passed.

photos from google
That's the only thing I can hope for, and hope you be happy where you are at now, no pain, no sadness. I can only pray in silent and hope Allah s.w.t forgive the sin no matter how big it is, and take you to heaven and be bless with heaven eternity. I love you abah. I hope to see you again and hug you and cry on your chest. I miss you abah. Semoga roh abah di tempatkan bersama orang yang beriman. amin. There's nothing more I wish for my dad except happiness forever to where ever he is in heaven.

I am sorry if this post is a lil sad. Yes even a positive person such as me, have my break down and stressful life., as they must go on. Look on forward and always think positive and positive things will head your way. I must now learn from what ever mistake I've made. To what wrong I have done.. its no matter to whom. I must go through that path without any regret and no looking back. Look back only to reflect what I do, so that I can change for my better self.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.. and hi friendly readers! Hope everyone is having a good day. Ouch. and its been awhile I have neglected my blog for sometime I was kind of giving writing up. Hack I even still have my unfinished novel writing in my draft (╥﹏╥)Block most of the time and I am pretty busy playing online game that I have fallen in love with. Recently I had new friends flowering up in this lil o-heart of mine. Will update on that on my next post. I hope I am able to do it as much as i could. Kinda had my hand tight ❤(ˆ‿ˆԅ) hehe.

Back in the day I never thought writing a positive thinker blog will attract people.. BUT I feel the will of helping hand when in need thou I am a STRANGER you only know from this blog. I do hope you'll enjoy your reading and visits next time you come here looking for some answers. (✿◠‿◠). A good encouragement brings good people in the world. I know..I know.. I can't change the world. But... who knows? some small change can change the bad things that is happening all around us.

picture credits to:

Maybe I'd even become a new superhero that help other with words. hahaha.. this reminds me of fairy tails so much. caster that can cast a words spells. ok ok.. back to the story mode again. (¬‿¬) well I don't think I have anymore to offer right now. I am just a dreamer..who wants a place to be called harmony. good night everyone!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Aisey men.. berhabok sudah blog ku.. wahahaha..kondisi blog aku dah kritikal! perlu di hupdate banyak2 dgn segera! adeh2. Lama sangat aku "take a break" almaklumlah..sejak ada si kecil bambam tu tak menang tangan nak belek blog, lagi-lagi fulltime suri rumah ni. kerja banyak lah..

Pada pembaca blog ku yang baik hati.. ampun ye.. Banyak benda nak cerita ni., tingal nak tulis je. haaaaa! Okay lah.. pendek ni je update. hahaha.. jangan marah aa.. nnti aku update pepanjangggg lebauu nah.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wordless Sunday

Image thanks to

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t~ Hello! and how are you friends? we meet again somehow. It is an wordless sunday for me, sitting around waiting for a time bom.. err.. you can say its a time bom anyway.. hahaha..due to baby coming though. :p am so happy! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ well sweetness can come later. On the topic today hold on to my keyboard lemme brain storm. . .♒((⇀‸↼))♒ OMG (-‸ლ) *facepalm* nothing came out of my brain.. haha this is really funny~ @___@ okay, now am just listing to David Choi music while writing this blog an all I just gotta share this song to everyone.. you're my friend :3 future in it Hikakin. if you read my blog I did mention about him on the beatbox sections..admire him lol~ his beatbox is sick same goes to Sophia KiddBeatz. Hey enough about beatbox here is the song!

Nice no? yeap that's what I think so too~ Well said..I just really don't have any idea for now what to update, but absolute just love to update something because its been a while that I haven't update anything hardly. Its so boring being on facebook for so long that you notice nothing more can excite me there..thus only the games that I've played for a while and stop for a while and played it again.. sheesh..felt like am not living it right. well this time of a month I not just wanted to go out somewhere it has to wait for this next coming Saturday..going on a journey to my friend Perak. Miss my girlfriends so much! gonna meet up with the bride and another bestie of mine~ Hope everything goes well with my friend wedding..amin ლ(o◡oლ) o~yeah.. 

Well I guess this is just about it for my updates here nothing more..If I have anything up I'll post about it in the future! Thanks for coming by and read my updates. Even thou its nothing much out of it. Take care friends! see you on the next update! tata!

p/s: (╯▅╰) am hoping for some long fun update on my life event. ^___^


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